Alright, this is your chance, people! With Black Friday approaching, as black as the gun steel Hereticle First Limited Edition is made of, we’re announcing our biggest sale yet: now through November 30th, you can purchase your own, uniquely numbered, collectible grade Hereticle First Limited Edition external crosshairs accessory for just $67!
Category Archives: Blog
Heretical External Crosshairs, new generation
Thank you, First Limited Edition Hereticle External Crosshairs adopters
Hi there! We know we’ve been absent for a while. Been busy with a whole bunch of interesting things, but Hereticle has always been our cornerstone efforts. So first of all, we’d like to say thank you to everyone who’s now a proud owner of the first commercially available external crosshairs gadget ! The online shop is still open, and we still have some First Limited Edition Hereticle gadgets available.
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Hereticle First Limited Edition – 1000 Likes Sale!
Hey everyone! Thanks to your interest in our project, we’re now into the second thousand of likes on Facebook! In celebration of this momentous event, we are announcing the 1000 likes sale: until March 7th, you can purchase your own, uniquely numbered, collectible grade Hereticle First Limited Edition external crosshairs accessory for only $75!
Hereticle External Crosshairs. Now available for purchase.
The Hereticle External Crosshairs online shop is now open
Friends, we are happy to announce that the wait for the first commercially available external crosshairs gadget is over! Our online shop is open, featuring our First Limited Edition Hereticle. Please give it a whirl, let us know if you notice anything out of whack, spread the word – and, if you like what you see, click “Add to Cart“!
Continue reading Hereticle External Crosshairs. Now available for purchase.
In Honor of The Gamer
The driving force of the PC industry? You, the Gamer.
I gotta tell you, sometimes even I take for granted that this relatively modest PC standing quietly beside my desk, diligently rendering keystrokes into words in this blog post, is in fact a computational beast the kind of which could not have been imagined not very long ago. But when I think about it, I strongly believe that it is you, the gamer, who was and continues to be the driving force behind this amazing evolution.
Hereticle is Rising!
Check out this the sneak peek of the soon to be released First Limited Edition Hereticle!
External Crosshairs Enthusiast’s Pocket Dictionary, A-F
The vocabulary of the External Crosshairs Gadget
We’ve been using a fair number of terms in this blog that have a rather specific meaning when we discuss Hereticle, our external crosshairs gaming gadget. So here’s the first entry in what we’re hoping to become a developing series on the vocabulary of the external crosshairs aficionado. We will be expanding this section based on your feedback, so please be sure to let us know if there’s anything missing!
Continue reading External Crosshairs Enthusiast’s Pocket Dictionary, A-F
At the base of the External Reticle
Redesigning the base of the external reticle
When we went back to the drawing board to improve the design of our external reticle gaming gadget, we already had several important conclusions from the field tests of our beloved but far-from-perfect Basic and Steampunk models.
Continue reading At the base of the External Reticle